11 Feb 2018

Fashion week inspired

Ciao guys!
As you know this week The New York fashion week has started and you have probably noticed that all instagram full of pic from this fashionable event. Due to that, my new blog post is inspired by best looks from New York fashion week.

Leggings/ H&M
Shoes/ Nike
Skirt/ Zara
Coat/ Marella

About fashion weeks:
The first one, which is happening is The New York fashion week February 8-16, second will be London, then Milan and the last one will be Paris fashion week. Personally I hope that I will participate in this magnificent event. It’s the biggest dream of mine so far.
So about this look. As you have already noticed checked material is a huge trend right now. So when I saw these race checkered material leggings in H&M I realised that I need them ASAP! If I won't wear them outside, I still need them as a perfect accent, to every blog post I will ever do. They can perfectly match every outfit you are wearing, so it's a great idea to buy them. I may have noticed how I recently started to wear belts. Ok just one belt. But belt is a great way to wear something oversized and still underline your waist. And I have just too many oversized clothing, so it's a great option for me. Next week my blog post will be little different, so make sure to follow me on instagram, to catch up with all news! I hope to post as often as I can.
Still, I have so much to study now. Not only study chemistry for a huge test, which will be happening on Tuesday, but also to study for other subjects. Wish me luck. But enough about complains, enjoy my outift of the day. I hope you are having a great time my lovely readers.
Xoxo Kotryna

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